Build Your Own Booth Wall Floor Plan


  • Build Your Own Floor Plan Exhibition Space
  • Add Doors And Private Rooms And Hidden Storage Areas
  • Includes Magnetic Adjoining Frame Section, Dye Sub Bag Graphic Face, Carrying Bag
  • Option Below For Single Or Double Graphics -Call For Molded Case Options
  • Approximate Sizes Shown In Drop Down Below
  • See Design Templates Or Set Up Instructions Below For Actual Footprint(s)

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Why not build out your exhibition floor plan space with magnetically adjoining modulate bag graphic wall frame sections and doors the way you want today

Get Design Template HereSet Up Instructions

Watch Video Below On How To Set Up This Display


Hey -it’s your show…

So why not build out your space as you see fit with the modulate wall frame sections you see here.

After all, maybe you’re looking for an ideal show booth display layout for your upcoming show.

And you may not be finding an ideal floor plan that best suits your needs.

Or maybe you and your company want to enjoy quiet uninterrupted sit downs with potential prospects?

So you’re looking for a booth space with meeting rooms and you haven’t been able to find them yet?

Or maybe you did located some exhibition booth displays with private or corridor-ed off meeting areas but either they’re to damn expensive or not the right size?

What are you going to do?

Heck, what if you prefer giving away a lot product samples at your event or big show too?.

Because you want your booth visitors and attendees to touch, and feel, and try your product(s) so they experience the benefits which your product(s) have to offer.

However you prefer a non-intrusive in-booth hidden storage area to store your samples.

After all, the last thing you want to is to run out of samples… or worse, having your teammate or you bolting back and forth to and from your room to restock your giveaways every two to three hours during the show.

That’s no fun.

And what if you’re unable to locate a show booth or exhibition display system which offers hidden rooms or closets or storage areas?

Especially if you’re showcasing your wares in a smaller 10×10 or 20×10 or 20×20 booth stall size.

Then you’re probably looking at custom.

And when the word custom drops, my gosh, you know your cost are about to sky rocket.

But what if you could actually design your ideal booth layout which gives you what you want?

Imagine having all the special areas, and rooms, and even a demo area corridor-ed off area so you may flow with the show -so to speak.

Where you have a plan and it works.

Imagine having a demo area which you surround with a 4ft tall modulate1/2 wall. A way for all attendees to view your hourly demo without crowding-in on you.

Or you having a meeting lounge area within your booth that is either a separate room or corridor-ed off space.

Or even having a hidden in-booth storage closet or room to house your giveaways and more.

Well, now you can.


Simple, design your own show booth floor plan layout as you so desire by utilizing these individual modulate frame section walls.

Heck, let’s say you have a 20×20 or even a 50×50 foot show booth area.

And you want to create an eye appealing perimeter wall to run along the back and sides of your booth space.

Well, you may grab attendee attention by weaving along both concave and convex modulate wall sections together to form your main wall. And then running some L-Shaped sections along the sides. Even adding tapered or rounded modulate wall sections to tie-in your entire booth space as one.

And not only that… You may create a cool relaxing meeting area by adding a few more L-Shaped modulate walls along the back or side wall.

Then corridor it off with a half wall at front entry with an opening to have your attendee guest come in for a chat or a pitch.

Or go private.

Go with the 8ft tall by either 4ft, 5ft… or 9ft width, straight, abutting modulate walls and create a nice private meeting area -even add a door!

But not only that, since these modulate frames have ultra taunt pull over bag graphic dye sub faces, you may order double sided prints too.

Imagine having the prints which face the public tie into your overall booth branding message, right?

Then maybe create some mesmerizing interior graphics, where you’ll host your meetings, which wow your protects.

Maybe design and line the interior of your meeting room walls with fake window graphics that look real.

Windows which are looking out over a sandy beach, or a sunset, or a grassy field, or even a view from a downtown high rise, or…

Where you’re room graphics bring about an eye-opening appeal.

Imagine how your attendees will feel… once they left your sit down?

Heck, you’ll probably be the buzz of the show because they’ll talk about you and your company… even share on social, how cool their experience felt. How they felt like your wall graphics had them sitting in a VIP tower suite or on the beach or…

And like they say, when your prospects or clients feel something wonderful, they’ll easily remember you and your company when it’s time to do business.

Because, people remember how they felt -more than other things.

So why not build your own booth space and start creating those wonderful feeling for all your attendees to recall you by.

Add a few rooms, a hidden storage area, even a closet, and a cool looking wavy tiered back wall.

And create all this by using these individual modulate wall section styles today.

Heck, you may even scale your booth up or down in size quickly… especially if you exhibit at multiple shows a year. Shows where you lease different size floor space.

If you grab a smaller space or a larger one, these modulate frames will scale to your size rather efficiently.

Plus, you’re not going to break the bank by having a custom booth with meeting rooms built for you.

Nope, you’re building your own show booth layout right here with these magnetically adjoining and different size (height and width) and style (concave, convex, straight, rounded corner, tapered top, L-shape, door, 1/2 wall) modulate wall sections.

So why not be creative and start scrolling through the different size individual wall section designs right now.

See the concave, convex, straight, tapered right, tapered left, and all of it.

If you have a 30ft linear booth space then add up the section widths to come close to 30ft, and so on…

And start piecing your walls together now.

Form your ideal show booth layout today. Choose your modulate sections and then grab (download) your design template for each corresponding section.

Then add the sections to the cart and check out.

So why not have some fun creating something wonderful, something memorable, something different today.

Because not may exhibitors at your big event will be showing off in style with these types of modulate section display walls.

Order your sections now.

And have fun stealing the show.

Additional information

Weight 16 lbs
Dimensions 54 × 12 × 5 in
Choose Modulate Style Size

~ 3' x 8' Taper R Top Convex Wall 03, ~ 4' x 8' Rounded R Top Str Wall 08, ~ 5' x 8' Taper L Top Convex Wall 02, ~ 4' x 8' Door Right Side Knob, ~ 4' x 8' Rounded L Top Str Wall 08, ~ 5' x 8' Taper R Top Convex Wall 02, ~ 4' x 8' Door Left Side Knob, ~ 7.5' x 7.5' Square Straight Wall 07, ~ 5' x 8' Taper L Top Concave Wall 02, ~ 8' x 8' L Shaped Wall 14 Left, ~ 4' x 8' Convex Str Top Wall 06, ~ 5' x 8' Taper R Top Concave Wall 02, ~ 8' x 8' L Shaped Wall 14 Right, ~ 4' x 8' Concave Str Top Wall 06, ~ 5' x 8' Round L Top Convex Wall 01, ~ 4' x 8' Straight Top Wall 13, ~ 9' x 8' Convex Str Top Wall 05, ~ 5' x 8' Round R Top Convex Wall 01, ~ 8' x 4' Half Wall 12, ~ 9' x 8' Concave Str Top Wall 05, ~ 5' x 8' Round L Top Concave Wall 1, ~ 3.5' x 8' Tapered L Top Str Wall 11, ~ 3' x 8' Taper L Top Convex Wall 04, ~ 5' x 8' Round R Top Concave Wall 1, ~ 3.5' x 8' Tapered R Top Str Wall 11, ~ 3' x 8' Taper R Top Concave Wall 04, ~ 3' x 8' Straight Top Wall 10, ~ 3' x 8' Taper L Top Concave Wall 03, ~ 5.5' x 8' Straight Top Wall 09

Choose Backside Liner Type

Front Graphic With White Backside Liner, Double Sided Dye Sub Print


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