What Exhibition Planner Doesn’t Want Fuss-Free Procurement?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to instantly summon an expert to help you with your upcoming exhibition or event?

Imagine you just signed the show host contract. Exciting times lay ahead. And now you simply want or wish for everything to go as planned.

Yet, as your trade show move in date quickly approaches, you may be faced with a gaggle of hair pulling last minute task.

What if Nancy cant make it now? Who will replace her? Did I order power to site? Did I make Randal’s room reservation? And all of it…

And the last thing your want to worry about is whether or not your custom show booth displays will be arriving on time, as planned, right?

Well, what if you summoned an expert in the exhibition game. Like one of the experts at Denver Display? Who guarantee you show booth displays will arrive on time as agreed. And to spec.

Where you may simply cross off display procurement from your laundry list of things to do.

Where you’re not calling your trade show display provider asking “where’s my proofs” or “did my carry in displays ship” or…

Nope, imagine, the provider contacting you. Nudging you with a “hey, your digital proofs were sent at 10 am this morning. Please review and approve. Thank you.”

Or you awake, as the show date closes in, to an shipment or freight tracking email link with a friendly update sharing that your order has been shipped? Hot damn, right?

Or your show or event kicks off in 2 days and you forgot to order a literature rack? Or printed handouts? Or… and your exhibition trade show procurement provider simply shared “hey, no sweat, we’ll over night that to you at the drop off or delivery address you provided… Is this the address and contact name?”

Bada-Bing, Bada-Boom, right?

Fuss-Free procurement as you wish. Right there to ensure your trade show and or event displays arrive as promised.

Like having an assistant without the hand holding. Do the deal, share the plan, and all is handled. A expert battle tested exhibition pro making sure the procurement of show booth displays goes off without a hitch.

Well, if this is what you want, then contact Denver Display today.

After all, what exhibition or event planner doesn’t want a fuss-free procurement experience?

Re-grand opening coming July of 2020. Just for you.

Call Denver Display today.

See you soon!

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